- Kris - measuring whats holding up
- Rana - umbrellas - recycle program
- Sasha - how to improve team discussion
- Owen - Save Rio in Kits
Kris: Challenges
- Sorted by most important, biggest challenge
- Want to find out what’s holding you back, so will prompt you every week on why you haven’t
- demo/prototype up at
- needs developer (looking for newbie, easy project)
Rana: Recycle Program for Umbrellas
- Every time I have to buy a new umbrella it’s a waste
- Loaner umbrellas – like the Mobi bicycle program
- A standardized bin for umbrellas
- Sasha: I use a cowboy hat instead. You’re attached to your hat so won’t lose it. People not attached to umbrellas.
- Barcode/Scan out an umbrella
- Get feedback from 3 restaurants to see how often they throw umbrellas out, or what they do with them, and if they would be interested in such a program
- Kris: Add an “earring” tracking device for any umbrella left at the restaurant, and they now become part of the program
- Kris: car2go for umbrellas - umbrella2go
- tagging devices with LED light and alarm
Sasha: Critical thinking meetup
- Interesting (Long/deep) discussion on critical thinking & reason. Sasha will create an event and invite us all.
Owen: Hollywood Theatre in Kits
- How do we create an artistic community?
- Sasha: Prefer to create instead of consuming it.
- Rio has interaction instead of regular movie theatres
- For night owls in Vancouver, where do you go? Only coffee shops.
- Sasha: Social activities are key in society.
- This creates a clique.
- Social vs Consuming.
- Save the Hollywood Theatre
- What are you focusing on artistically?
- Kris: Reach out to the owner of the Hollywood theatre and ask them to go for coffee
- Lean Startup Conference
- Vancouver Screening
- Kris: Why participate in Myers-Briggs or Astrology is there is no scientific backing to them. Kris didn’t provide his label to either.
- Sasha: Generalizing is for tribalism. Belonging to a tribe helps with ego-centrism.
- Sasha: A lot of people around me makes me tired.
- Intuitive Empath - Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)
- Empaths vs. HSP
- Energy Vampires
- Sasha: Empathy is missing from Myers-Briggs
- Owen: Steve Jobs was genius but not an empath ENTP
- Egocentric Altruist
- Owen: When coffee shops started, there were community hub types who talked - there’s a TED talk on this
- Logical Fallacies