- Tate - Poliical apathy - How do we get people engaged? Mincome.
- Steve - Kickstarter for a kids book
- Dan - in the field of UX
- Farhan - Available already in the market - webpage annotations
- Kris - getting students/interns for your projects
- Mincome -
- How viable is it to require people to be active and engaged
- Build a web app that is similar to a Canadian citizenship test
- The questions themselves may be politized
- Charter of Rights & Freedoms - Start with the original documents
- fact checking search engine
- Fact Checker Plugin
- How do we handle people who are older and their jobs are gone, and they’re not motivated to learn something new
- How to handle knowledge transfer amongst generations
- Education is the biggest issue
- It turned from wisdom to skill (all about making money)
- Not about critical thinking any more
- “Educated people don’t have horns” (You can’t tell by looking at him/her, but you can by listening to their reasoning)
- People more eager to get paperwork to get a job than to learn things
- Quest - All about reading to get a BA and then do a capstone project
- Drop out rate is basically 0
- SelfDesign - K-12
- How do they handle socialization?
- Smart kids will try to outsmart their peers
- People not feeling smart will out toughen each other
- Is there a social network that doesn’t keep you in your own echo chamber?
- Kris: What are the alternatives?
- Kris: How do you measure ego vs willingness to learn?
- Active Listening
- People’s perspectives don’t usually change until 3-4 meetings
- Tate: Lawyers do this right: Ask as questions where you’re answering their answers
- Tate: Online degenerates vs in person
- Imagine an online forum where you had to wear a shoock collar to join it - force people to be reasonable
- The data that turned the world upside down
- Kris: How to combat online hate?
- Force use of real identity
- Certain threshold - until a certain point (people voted it out)
- Is it a consequence of allowing free speech
- It’s illgeal in Canada because you’re promoting harm to another
- Farhan: Online courts
- Kids books
- Marqueed shutting down. Alts:
- Webpage Annotations
- Sources of information have changed dynamically and very fast
- How do you incorporate all of that to one platform
- Evernote
- Turtl
- Pocket
- One Note
- Browser plugin: detect if video - record at that part in the video, or in text would record where in the document you were when you clicked. Optionally use tags/categories
- Kris: pay for access to the coles notes wiki for any MOOC/course
- Free University
- Free MOOCs
- UBC - teaches expertise is resaerching in their field
- You’re learning by doing there – they’re not great at teaching
- Not great for learning to learn
- SFU doesn’t take IP, UBC does
- - Canada’s First Bio-Tech Community Lab
- Raise enough money to pay for things for life - don’t touch the principle
- What would it take to raise 100k for a principle fund
- Kickstarter 1mm - Ideas Vancouver gets 100k
- Awesome Shit Club