- Space memorials
- not many doing, some are
- people are dying for the opportunity
- live stream
- RocketLabs, ULA
- sub-orbital fireworks of my ashes (-Kris)
- Timothy Leary did this
- Scotty’s remains went twice
- Elysium Space
- Burial Service in the sun
- Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
- crystals of my ashes into the sun so the prism rainbows earth (Kris)
- dedicate my body to science - specifically data/information
- Cremation Diamonds from Ashes
- LifeGem
- use your blood to make a diamond
- How much ashes or blood to make a diamond?
- Make your head into a mini head - with a magnifying glass making it large.
- Your family’s skulls as a bracelet
- literal family tree for jewelry
- over the baby’s crib
- Can we make silicon wafers chips from the silicon in our bodies
- Heaven’s Above
- Track Iridium Flares
- space junk is a big problem
- Kessler Syndrome
- [SevenEves Book] (
- 2/3 of a cup of (3.5ozs) or 1/2 a cup of hair to make a diamond - diamond growing
- Death
- compost
- something practical
- explode me
- least costly (for the sake of loved ones). bic lighter/torch, singe the body until it flys (Mongolian sky burial)
- mummified and sent into the sun - I’m not only the president I’m also a customer
- not sure (ethical and ecologically sound - I want to be serious about my last act on earth)
- tattoos of information, put where it won’t be touched for a very long time - mummified - put info in a diamond - (contribute back)
- not sure
- Delivery into space
- railgun (0.73c/ kilo)
- we need to get away from rockets (big, heavy, hard to make reliable)
- compressed gas to orbital
- 70km long tube with compressed gas to launch humans
- Launch Loop ($3/k)
- space is only 100km away
- Kerbal Space Program
- 3d printing on the moon (sunlight to bake dust) - (astrobiotics -2mm per km)
- video footage for a hollywood company
- [Von Newmann robot - one builds the other] (
- moon express - ferry service to the moon.
- astrobotics -2mm per km
- 1m fresnel lens - lighthouse manufacturer - (try plastic instead)
- (rovers that can work off-world)
- REI - MEC - Their tent on the moon. (auto poppet space blanket)
- Regolith on the shell of the tent to make solid
- Mars City Design
- Dig tunnels (Elon’s Boring machine, just need a door)
- Mars Habitat challenge
- no wind or gravity (height of buildings not an issue)
- Bigalow aerospace B330
- trap door spider
- keeping it warm over night
- nuclear battery for its waste heat
- The Martian (movie?) atomic battery
- Ian Soutar’s research on low level radiation
- Radium Dials
- Night vision eye drops
- Dangerous Things
- Rich Lee (friends with Dan)
- Sphere with a vacuum on the inside to make a platform
- Crowdsourced World building
- If someone you just bought a camera lens from craigslist just got kidnapped, would you save them
- Using a MUD platform
- Real-time D&D x 7
- Book: The moon is a harsh mistress
- Humanure Handbook
- Book: The More in God’s Eye
- jade rabbit died from the cold (darkness)
- Use DT for next week’s topic
- what do you want to do with your remains
- public transit - is it efficient
- neuroscience